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Wrath of the Norsemen Official Vikings Release v 2.0.
Games > PC
1.78 GB

WotN Vikings Wrath of the Northmen mod mods Medieval Total War Medieval 2 Total War Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms Creative Assembly strategy game games real time strategy

Jul 30, 2016

A NEW OFFICIAL version of the MOD "Wrath of the Norsemen" for Medieval 2: Total War: Kingdoms.

Unique music for each people. Vanilla music is completely gone! The music is not chosen randomly, as it has been carefully chosen for each group of people in the game (norse, Franks etc). 

A Captain bug in which the Captains for many units were silver surfers have been fixed- "4 merc" added to alot of the captains in the bmdb-file. 

New ancillaries and traits added by user Juzy90 on Total War Forum.

New hotseat mode added by user mr_nygren.

All Vikings-themed songs halved to not use full scores in any way.

Songs from the TLK submod (The Last Kingdom submod, found at moddb) unchanged- but this mod only uses a handful of them.

Folksongs unchanged, but one of the songs for Gautland/Gutland removed because it became annoying after a while.

New songs in the loading screens.

Maybe some other stuff which i can't remember. Enjoy the mod.

Known unfixed bugs:

1. Freyseyr-settlement is a "mountainous terrain" and neither the player nor the computer can move troops. They just stand where they start, and this makes realtime-battles impossible in this settlement -i had to automatically resolve it and lost.
-This is a map-bug that i can't solve for now.

2. Missing portraits for some units, as these were not in the game. -Not fixed, as i seem to have trouble getting them to show-up in game. It wasn't a problem with the already existing portraits as you just moved them to a new folder. But with new pictures it doesn't seem to work. I must read on to this